We work with a lot of B2B companies in the small to mid-size range. Specifically, we work with their sales organizations. Over the years, there have been three critical issues that seem to be commonly not executed. These three areas include:
Structured Onboarding
The idea of a structured onboarding process for those new sales people is so fundamentally important. As a sales leader myself in many of the same kinds of companies that you folks are involved with, I do get it. It’s about time, you just don’t have the time. There’s so many other things going on, that there never seems to be the timet to sit down and actually go through this.
Sales Process
The other issue that we see is that all companies have a sales process, right? Everybody does. Now it may not be the ideal sales process. It may not be necessarily written down. But you have some kind of process. The key, though, for building a scalable, repeatable sales growth engine is actually following that sales process. As a sales leader, that’s about leadership and providing the support tools and accountability to make sure that each member of your sales team is using that process.
Competitive Analysis
The last piece comes up fairly regularly—because we take it for granted sometimes—is about the competition. Particularly now that things have really changed in the marketplace for everyone, because we’re all generally working remotely, and our prospects are buying differently. So we need to change how we approach people in this new environment.
It’s critical to understand:
- How the competition has changed
- What they’re planning for the future
- How it impacts your ability to be successful
When we’ve done assessments of many B2B companies, these are fundamental aspects we see in their sales organizations. Take stock of where your sales organization is in these 3 areas, and develop some action steps to make improvements where needed.